Category: Events 活动
2016 Fall Outing
2014 感恩聚会
Cooking Sign Up Sheet
Cooking for Brother Fu Renyuan/Lu Ting
中秋-烧烤-秋游 9/7
Mother Day at Monte Sano
恢 复 生 命 的 尊 荣 five sermons in Huntsville Ala bama 2014(ppt) 2014_04_11_Chen RuiZeng.mp3 2014_04_12_Afternoon_Chen RuiZeng.mp3 2014_04_12_Night_Chen RuiZeng.mp3 2014_04_13_afternoon_Chen RuiZeng.mp3 2014_04_13Chen RuiZeng.mp3
归纳法查经训练Inductive Bible Study Training
Here is the schedule InductiveBibleStudySchedule Mrs Chi will use 腓利比书 to teach Inductive Bible Study. Here is the follow up preaching schedule